This project includes five primary schools from GR,IT,BG,DE,TR. It will be applied with the pupils aged between 12-17.
The project focuses on the problem of social exclusion (in terms of basic skills lack). In order to reach this goal of inclusion we will
practice new strategies and methods of teaching cooperatively and inclusively at schools and during leisure time activities.
This application refers to the particular needs of students according to the needs analysis which took place at all the partner schools.
As the project group, we discussed and defined 4 issues which prevent the school success.(1-Lack of social inclusions; 2-lack of basic
skills; 3-Lack of parental support; 4-Lack of socio-economical needs ). The needs analysis has been done in five schools by taking the
observation of the teachers’ view, taking consultant teachers’ ideas into account, applying basic survey which evaluates those four
obstacles. We came to the following conclusions: in DE, it seems they have no problem with 1 and 3 but they need to increase the
level of basic skills and help some students who have problems with number 4. Other schools have problems mainly with number 4
obstacle. In Greek and Italian schools, “lack of social inclusion and basic skills ” of the students are seen as the most important
problems which prevent students from adapting an academic success. In Turkish and Bulgarian schools “lack of basic skills, lack of
parental support, lack of socio-economic needs” stands for the first reason for failure.
Besides, each school has different good practices in their school curriculum (see related sections). They will be observed and
followed by the teachers and transferred after evaluation.
The strategies and methods which we agreed upon to apply embody plenty of ideas which stand for a real alternative to solve these
four problems.
Before creating this project we had a pre-work period about the new strategies and defined 5 new ones to use in our project. Every
partner will apply one of these methods in its school environment, observe and evaluate the outcomes. During the meetings these
outcomes will be discussed by all the partners and will be transferred to one another. At the end of 2 year time, 5 strategies will have
been applied and evaluated. According to the observation and results of success the partners will continue to use these strategies
and methods at their schools.
-to promote the inclusion of excluded students, the ones with lack of basic skills, the risk of dropping out, with special needs by
helping to promote their integration into the mainstream education and society.
-to apply new strategies for overcoming social exclusion, lack of basic skills and school drop out
-to conduct new methods in the field of social and emotional child development as part of students with special educational needs'
practical curriculum.
-to give teachers different methods of education and share the good practices
Students/teenagers: The project will take excluded students in the centre, so 180 in total will take part actively in the project
activities. Approximately 1200 students/teenagers will be indirectly affected.
Teachers/Adults: there will be teams of 5 teachers at each partner organisation so 30 in total will take an active part in the project.
There will be a teacher of English, Maths Teacher, a Counselor, an ICT teacher and a PE teacher/trainer. Approximately 150 teachers/
adults will be indirectly affected.
Administrative staff: The head teacher/chairman and a deputy head will take part in the project, approximately 36 administrative
staff will be indirectly affected.
Families: The number of the family members will be 300 in total and they will contribute to introduce the host country’s culture,
The 13th kick off in Kavala - Greece-
Greece, Bulgaria,Germany,Turkey and IIS DA VINCI
Inclusion is contested within and across educational systems and its implementation is problematic both in the countries of the North and of the South. Some of these contradictions are discussed
in this meeting, providing an analysis of national and international policy. Our aim is to recognize the contested nature of inclusive education policies and practices in diverse national
contexts. It is argued that the meaning of inclusion is significantly framed by different national and international contexts. For this reason the idea of inclusion continues to provide an
opportunity in education and society in general, to identify and challenge discrimination and exclusion at an international, national and local level.