3-SPAIN : Colegio San Isidoro - -
4-ITALY : I I S Leonardo da Vinci -
Description of the Project
This project includes five primary schools from FR,IT,RO,ES,TR. It will be applied with the pupils aged between 14-18.
The project focuses on the problem of social exclusion (in terms of basic skills lack). In order to reach this goal of inclusion we will practice new strategies and methods of teaching cooperatively and inclusively at schools and during leisure time activities.
This application refers to the particular needs of students according to the needs analysis which took place at all the partner schools.
As the project group, we discussed and defined 4 issues which prevent the school success.(1-Lack of social inclusions; 2-lack of basic skills; 3-Lack of parental support; 4-Lack of socio-economical needs ). The needs analysis has been done in five schools by taking the observation of the teachers’ view, taking consultant teachers’ ideas into account, applying basic survey which evaluates those four obstacles. We came to the following conclusions: in FR, it seems they have no problem with 1 and 3 but they need to increase the level of basic skills and help some students who have problems with number 4. Other schools have problems mainly with number 4 obstacle. In Spanish and Italian schools, “lack of social inclusion and basic skills ” of the students are seen as the most important problems which prevent students from adapting an academic success. In Turkish and Romanian schools “lack of basic skills, lack of parental support, lack of socio-economic needs” stands for the first reason for failure.
Moreover, each school has different good practices in school curriculum from each other. (see related sections). These good practices will be observed and followed by the teachers and transferred after evaluation.
The above four obstacles is the basic theme of this project. We will not only meet, apply leisure activities, discuss problems of our students in this project but we will also apply new strategies during the two years. This project is designed to get real results and solutions for students with the above-mentioned problems.
The strategies and methods which will be applied contain a lot of ideas which are not new but stand for effective solutions to problems of lack of social inclusions, lack of basic skills, lack of parental support and lack of socio-economical needs.
The problems occurred because the old model of education simply does not work with majority of students. The old model was designed to weed out the “smart” students destined for college from those who would work in non-academic vocations. But that kind of distinction is no longer valid. Today, meaningful, useful education is something all students need regardless of the career choices they will eventually make. Schools need to do more than just select students according to their cognitive abilities.
Before creating this project we had a pre-work period about the new strategies and defined 5 new ones to use in our project. Every partner will apply one of these methods in their school environment, observe and evaluate the outcomes. During the meeting these outcomes will be discussed by all partners and will be transferred to one another. By the end of the project time, 5 strategies will have been applied and evaluated. According to the observation and results, the partners will continue to use these strategies and methods at their schools. On the other hand a methodology book will be created by the partners which will include the practical experience, observations, evaluations and results. This book will be a source book for anyone who needs to overcome social exclusion and lack of basic skills. (5 Strategies are described in next section)
-to promote the inclusion of excluded students, the ones with lack of basic skills, the risk of dropping out, with special needs by helping to promote their integration into the mainstream education and society.
-to apply new strategies for overcoming social exclusion, lack of basic skills and the problem of early school leaving
-to conduct new methods in the field of social and emotional child development as part of students with special educational needs' practical curriculum.
-to create a stimulating learning environment and approaches for supporting child's social and emotional development.
-to make available (assured) for the teachers different methods of education and share the good practices
This project must be carried out transnationally because its topic is international so it must be work out internationally. Besides, it aims at transferring good practices. As teachers we need to compare different educational systems to work more effectively and our students need to know different cultures and improve their language and ICT skills. They will increase their level of intercultural understanding of democratic values.
The following innovative strategies will be applied:
FR -Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is defined as “A method of instruction that encourages students to work in small groups, learning material,
then presenting what they have learned to other small groups. In doing so, they take responsibility for their own learning as well as
their classmates’. In other words, cooperative learning is a system in which students become both motivated and motivators. By
shifting responsibility for learning from teachers to students, cooperative learning takes away the “us vs. them” mentality that the
typical school organization naturally tends to encourage and creates in its place a new dynamic environment where students feel
empowered and eager to succeed on their own terms and not only to please their teacher.
IT -Peer Tutoring
There is a saying that the best way to learn something is to teach it. At schools across the world, students become better learners as
they take the role of teachers and mentors to younger children. Peer tutoring is also valuable because students can often forge
stronger bonds with other students than with adults and are more easily able to develop interest and motivation in younger
learners. While there are some problems with this approach including the fact that not all students can be good teachers and also
the quality of instruction may not be as high as desired, still there are a lot of advantages to peer tutoring as set forth by University of
Western Australia below:
• It involves students directly in the teaching and learning process;
• The act of teaching others enhances student's own learning;
• It encourages collaboration between learners;
• It can be viewed as a strategy for dealing with individual differences in the classroom.
RO-Team Teaching
Strategies like Project Based Learning can work in isolated classrooms with a good teacher, but they are the most effective when
teachers of various interests and abilities work together as a team to deliver a multidisciplinary program for the students. Team
teaching is also beneficial because it makes teaching a less lonely profession than traditionally regarded. By working closely with
their peers, teachers themselves gain the benefits of cooperative learning. Students benefit from team teaching curricula, not
hampered by a teacher’s weakness in any given area because that might be a strength another teacher in the group possesses. Team
teaching also facilitates the use of block scheduling that was discussed earlier.
ES-Project Based Learning
This strategy is implicit in various others described here. PBL is a way to make learning meaningful and real. Instead of “learning”
material out of textbooks, students work in teams to tackle real-world problems. Often, students will collaborate with peers across
the world on global projects, forge meaningful relationships and build virtual communities of learners in the process. There are
many advantages to PBL as a way to promote learning, including:
• it develops collaboration skills;
• it deals with real-world problems so students can make important connections between what they learn at school and its relevance
to the world outside school;
TR -Personalization
Personalization of learning starts with the idea that learners are not products that can be mass-produced by schools. If one accepts
the undeniable truth that no two children are exactly alike, then it must logically follow that no one system of education can work
for all students. What follows is the notion that a good educational model will "personalize" each student's learning experience. The
idea that each student has an "Individualized Education Program" is not new to those who specialize in educating children with
learning disabilities. Personalization includes not only what will be learned in school, but also how it will be learned. While it is
possible and perhaps even desirable to postulate certain "standards" which define the kind of skills and knowledge that constitutes
The tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners
At first, beginning activities will be done by all the partners. They will have common tasks and specific tasks to accomplish. The activities were planned into subtopics. There will be one different subtopic at every meeting at the host school where the Learning/Teaching/Training Activities will be done. The activities are related to the project focus - the definite innovative strategies to provide students with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in a new global economy rather than the traditional model still practiced at most schools.
Each partner institution will have one of those to study by a team including teachers, students, administrative staff and PTA, for developing methodology, applying it into school curriculum, doing practical applications at schools, observing and evaluating the results and reporting the benefits. At the end of two years these 5 innovative strategies will have been practiced and the reports will have be en collected in a book. That book will contain the outcomes of the project as intellectual output.
During the exchange activities the host school will organize workshops including the subtopic. Host and guest participants will work together and implement the programme which will be prepared by host school,thus the strategy will be studied and practiced in international atmosphere. This activities will provide the most effective results and good practices will be applied by every school afterwards.
The activities of the project are described below with letter and numbers. The tasks of the partners are divided into two categoriescommon
tasks and specific tasks.
A1-(On going) (All)-Collecting and data analyzing
A2- (On going)(All) Organizing activities at school open to everyone on topic according to stages that are stated for every project
A3- (On going) (All) Choosing the students who will join the exchange meetings.
A4-(On going)(All) Participating in the Learning/Teaching/Training Activities (Students and teachers)
A5- (On going)(All) Doing dissemination activities at school after every visit.
A6-(On going) (All)-Putting the relevant data on the project web-page.
A7-(On going) (All)-Travel manuals
A8-(On going) (All)-Durable works by students
A9-(On going) (All)-Articles in local newspapers after meetings; conferences in local community at the end of each year.
A10- (Sep.2017)(All) The project team will be created at each school and tasks of each individual will be defined.
A11 –(Sep.2017)(All) Erasmus+ corners will be prepared / Digital monitor will be placed
A12- (Sep.2017)(All) Posters and brochures will be designed / The students will contact each other. Distributing leaflets/ brochures to
the local authorities and schools in the region.
A13-(Sep.2017) (All) The project will be presented to the beneficiaries / Mini-conferences for stakeholders
A14- (Sep.2017) The French partner will prepare the initial questionnaire, evaluation papers and observation documents
A15- (Oct.2017)(All) Applying initial questionnaire
FRANCE – TM1 in November 2017 (COORDINATOR)
Subtopic: "Cooperative Learning ”
A16- (On going) Photo book, calendars of 2018.
ITALY – C1 - February 2018
Subtopic: “Peer Tutoring”
A17- (On going) CD/DVD of the project events
ROMANIA – C2 - May 2018
Subtopic: “Team Teaching”
A18-(On going) Website
A19 – (On going)Making a project group in Twinspace/E-Twinning.
A20- (May 2018) Evaluating first 4 stages and creating the evaluation report.
SPAIN – C3 –November 2018
Subtopic: “Project Based Learning”
A21-(On going) Regular interchange of information
A22- (May 2019) Book about the 5 new strategies
TURKEY- C4 - February 2018
Subtopic: “Personalization”
A23-(May-June 2019) Designing a project magazine including all project outcomes
FRANCE – M2 in April 2019
A24-( May 2019) Doing observation of all project issue and writing the final reports.
A25-(On going)Statistical analysis of Evaluation forms; Observation documents and Initial & Final questionnaire
A26-(April 2019) (All) Setting up the teams, organizing the tasks and planning the work programmes for sustainability of the results
We develop every stage with a high focus. Every stage of the project is defined clearly and symbolized by means of numbers.
Coordinators at schools will supervise whether the steps will be completed or not. The project teams shared the tasks. After one
stage is done, each coordinator will report it to the overall coordinator (the project coordinator- DE). This way there will be a very
careful implementation. All details were negotiated by the partners in preparation period. Every coordinator joined these worksthey
chose the topic, subtopics, all activities, agreed on meeting dates, types, working methods, objectives, expected results,
decided how to disseminate, involving the stakeholders, how to provide sustainability, communication tools and the number of the
participants were decided after negotiation with a total agreement of all partners.
The coordinator is to:
P1- ensure that all preparatory activities have been successfully and transparently completed
P2- create a common contact list(mail group) and present it to the partners
P3- run social network groups to communicate effectively
P4- ensure and monitor communication among partners
TPM -Meeting in Martinica , cultural activities
Gli studenti stanno lavorando con gli studenti austriaci e danesi sull'inclusione e l'esclusione un'attività formidabile