TEMATICA:Migliorare l'empatia e la comprensione verso diverse culture / persone / credenze. Promuovere i valori culturali che incoraggino la cooperazione tra gli studenti provenienti da diversi paesi al fine di migliorare l'atteggiamento generale in materia di inclusione sociale, diversità, uguaglianza di genere e non-
Living in a society that is continually changing, we are in the position of facing difficult situations when it comes to mixing different people and different cultures. Nowadays society has to adapt and learn how to live in harmony.Unfortunately, most people lack empathy and understanding towards different cultures/people/beliefs. Six countries will be involved in this partnership namely: Romania, Spain, FYROM, Croatia, Italy and Cyprus. They are from that part of Europe where the migration phenomenon is present.
- to promote the cultural values that encourage the cooperation between the students from different countries in order to improve the general attitude in what concerns social inclusion, diversity, gender equality and non-discrimination in order to lower the
level of non-tolerant attitude by 15%.
C.O. develop a strategy to reinforce the mutual respect and understanding for the less privileged, tolerance towards disadvantaged groups and people with special needs; reinforce the self confidence in female students to pursue their professional goals to attain gender quality in all professional fields;
O3.for students, teachers, emigrants, immigrants to acquire, share knowledge about and accept the difference between cultures;
O4.for teachers to learn how to adapt the teaching materials and work with individuals, and not only groups of students, according to their needs; increase our students' motivation to learn and use foreign languages and ICT;
Our objectives derive from the horizontal priorities of the ERASMUS+ Programme Guide which refer to inclusion, diversity, equality, gender equality, nondiscrimination in the field of education and not only.
The participants will work on the following activities and obtain the next results:
•spreading 1200 flyers
•making 6 Interviews - with migrants about their difficulties
•creating a video to promote tolerance as a general attitude
•making a documentary about the migration process illustrating real cases
• writing a magazine "My LIFE experience" with 2 numbers (in English) containing articles on traditions, great personalities from each partner country, a traditional recipe from each country, charity events organized in the benefit of the needy people (activities with the special needed children), "Our students, our pride", Interviews, Crossword puzzle with specific vocabulary, jokes.
•organise a Virtual Classroom for English classes
•creating and interpreting of questionnaires "How tolerant are you"
•cooking workshops-traditional recipes from each partner country
•making a photo album
•creating and managing a website
•taking part in a literary circle "Women - the power of gentleness" to inspire the girl students, to motivate them to aim high and then try to achieve their goals and not settle for the role housewives
•writing a CD with lesson plans, handouts, evaluation questionnaires, tests etc (for English and sciences classes) specially tailored for the needs of each student in the classroom
•present a school play"Love Is For Everyone"
•set up an eTwinning project that twins this project
•"Big Brother-Big Sister" activity where older students embark on fun activities with the youngest ones
•setting an Erasmus+ corner
The tasks and responsibilities were assigned according to the possibilities and experience of each school.The tasks were equally distributed.There will be a yahoogroup as a private tool for teachers to organize the activities and a Facebook group for all the participants to communicate and upload pictures.
All the partner schools will carry on all the activities mentioned above and the results will be uploaded on the website.At the end of each work meeting, the teachers will discuss about the progress of activities and meeting the deadlines.
The impact of the project will be measured by questionnaires, which will show the influence of the project activities on the students who were identified as non-tolerant and we expect that the level of non-tolerant attitude to decrease by at least 15%.
The participants will: improve their language proficiency, develop a sense of European citizenship education in respect and tolerance for others, how much they have in common with the rest of Europe, Improve ICT skills, team work skills and attitudes, have great interest in promoting the process of building a Europe of the young, improve their inter cultural competence which will guide them to the appreciation of different cultural backgrounds.
The eTwinning projects will give the project an European dimension and continue the topic of LIFE project to other countries for a better awareness of students in what concerns the change of nowadays society and the need to adapt to a new Europe with it social challenges.
For the future, immigrants will find a better place to live in and will meet more welcoming people and will also learn how to respect the people and culture of the host country.
31 MARZO 6 APRILE 2019
meeting of the project in Italy.
Partners' meeting -Tour of the host school . Activities:
- PPT with traditional costumes specific to each country
- Disseminating activities undertaken between the last two meeting-PPT;
- presenting life events traditions,
-Presenting the Documentary Film-"Flying birds"
- dissemination of the activities that were performed by each school between the last two meetings.
Evaluation of project meeting and the planning for the future activities.
10/16 FEBBRAIO 2019
Partners' meeting
Tour of the host school Activities:
- Street Campaign - Flyers-Accept
- PPT with religious traditions
- video promoting tolerance and nondiscrimination (Coordinator - Croatia)
- dissemination of the activities that were performed by each school between the last two meetings.
Evaluation of project meeting and the planning for the future activities.
- The fourth work meeting of the project in Italy.
Partners' meeting
Tour of the host school .
- PPT with traditional costumes specific to each country
- Disseminating activities undertaken between the last two meeting-PPT;
- presenting life events traditions,
-Presenting the Documentary Film-"Flying birds"
- dissemination of the activities that were performed by each school between the last two meetings.
Evaluation of project meeting and the planning for the future activities.
WAITING FOR MEETING IN.................... FYROM
FROM 27-05 TO 02-06
CROAZIA 11/17 Marzo 2018
Feb. 2018
- Writing an article for the school paper and one for a local newspaper
March 2018
-The second work meeting in Croatia
-demostrative lessons teaching (one at English language and one at sciences)
-presentations of great personalities from Science and Literature (5 women and 5 men from each partner)
-PPT with cultural traditions specific to each country;
-selection questionnaire interpretation
-presentations of great personalities from History and Art (5 women and 5 men)
-School play "Love Is For Everyone"
Sept. 2017
-Implementing the project in each partner school;
-Creating an Yahoogroup of the project (for teachers only) and a Facebook group (Romania)
-Establishing the members of the project teams and their responsibilities;
-Establishing the project's club - "Erasmus +" (used for carrying out activities of the project)
-Drawing contest for the logo of the project;
-eTwinning project that pairs this project
Oct. 2017
-Voting the drawings from the contest and choosing the logo of the project;
-Creating the questionnaire for students"How tolerant are you?"-to select the target group(Cyprus)
-Applying the questionnaire to the students from each partner school;
-Selecting the teachers
-Video-conference (Romania)
Nov. 2017
-First work (transnational) meeting in Spain
-Presentation of each partner country and school
-logo of the project;
-Working on the draft of the first number of the project's magazine - "My LIFE experience"-Spain
-Creating the virtual classroom with 5 students from each country
-"Kind words and kind thoughts for those forgotten" (activities of the project's club - charity events for old people and needy children);
-Creating the project's website-Cyprus
Jan. 2018
-Dissemination of the charity events undertaken by each partner school on the website
-Literary circle