IIS Da Vinci Institute of Piazza Armerina (EN), articulated in its various addresses, including 2 high schools and 6 technical and professional addresses, with this initiative called TE.S.S.-TEachers and School Staff in Europe, proposes a project including the following types of activities:
- a CLIL course of English language of 7 days, reserved to 5 teachers of non-linguistic matters to be held in the UK from a recognized British school
- Enhancement of the Spanish Language Course, lasting 7 days reserved to 5 teachers of a foreign language to be held in Spain at a Spanish school
- a Course on "Europroject Design and Mangement", lasting 7 days, reserved for 5 beneficiaries selected from among senior staff, teachers and administrative staff, to be held in Spain at an expert body in the design and management of European projects
- a Job-shadowing activity, lasting seven days, reserved for 5 beneficiaries selected ffrom among senior staff, teachers and administrative staff, to be held in Spain at an advanced school in European project design and management.
The target beneficiaries of these actions is represented by teachers, executive and administrative staff who want to expand their skills, innovate their teaching methods, perfecting their skills in Europe, in summary implement the modernization process in a European School, increasing the motivation of the students, especially those who appear most resistant to learning and achievement of better performances.
The project, according to the list of Guidelines on "Europe 2020," aims to improve the quality of teaching, to stimulate the use of personnel involved in the formation of life-long learning, and growth in the European dimension.
The proposed initiative stems from an analysis of the requirements made by the school in collaboration with the teaching and non-teaching staff, which showed that the teaching staff need to improve their knowledge of English, to improve the teaching of the respective matters in foreign language, as required by current legislation; the Language teachers need to enhance the knowledge of the Spanish language and to renew the methods and techniques of teaching the Spanish language in the light of new technologies; the teaching staff and the administrative staff must increase their competencies and skills in the design and management of European projects; and finally the school, although already participating for several years in various European programs, must improve its European Development Plan, turning the occasional interventions in Europe in a "sistemic" action that qualify the school as a modern European school forefront of the regional and national scene, for the benefit of the students and the economic and social development of the entire territory.
The new skills and renewed professionalism achieved will not only reinforce the motivation of beneficiaries, but will also be transmitted through seminars and workshoop, to colleagues of the sending school and to other institutions of the region.
Also staying in a foreign country and the comparison with colleagues from other countries will foster intercultural knowledge of the participants, will be the occasion for a renewed international cooperation, will allow to develop best European exchange projects and transfer good practice.
The project lasts 2 years, from September 2017 to September 2019, and is divided into the following phases:
Preparation: selection of participants, provision of agreements between the partners and participants, language training / intercultural before departure
Implementation of the mobility activities
Follow up: valuation of assets, recognition of learning outcomes of participants, dissemination and use of project results.
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Docente referente Di Corrado Rosaria
coordinatrice progetti internazionali
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5 docenti completano la formazione sulla progettazione Europea a Valencia in Spagna
Cinque Docenti hanno frequentato a londra un corso CLIL
DAL 01/03/1018 al 09/03/2018
I Docenti si EUROPEIZZANO.........
Corso di Euro progettazione e Corso di Spagnolo
all estero.
I Docenti Giordano Salvatore e Corvaia Gaetano stanno
frequentando un corso di formazione di lingua Spagnola a Valencia dal 01/03/2018 al 09/03/2018.
I Docenti DI Corrado Rosaria , Trovato Giuseppe e
Oliveri Domenico e La DSGA Caputo Maria Grazia ,sempre a Valencia , stanno frequentando il corso di Europrogettazione che sara seguito pure dalla Dirigente ADAMO MARINELLA.
Il progetto T E S S
Docenti di formarsi su tematiche nuove ed innovative al di raggiungere traguardi di internazionalizzazione di alto livello