Il progetto mira a creare uno spazio comune tra le scuole per condividere metodi nuovi e efficaci per combattere l'abbandono scolastico precoce nell'istruzione secondaria ,per migliorare l'apprendimento nei settori professionali , in modo particolare nel settore dell artigianato
NAZIONI : Croazia Slovacchia Romania
ESL is the result of various factors. Therefore, the adoption of a common approach key multidisciplinary collaboration of various institutions and bodies that should be at national, regional and local level to move from theory to practice. To solve ESL approaches contribute to genuine cooperation between the various authorities and professionals. A key role is played by the school itself. Therefore, we decided to implement a project that would help to solve the issue through international cooperation when such an international approach apparent as implemented policies and programs to tackle this problem in a participating country in the framework of an international network of schools and getting involved in this issue alone interested schools. International cooperation will cover in detail all the factors that influence the problem solve or contribute its elimination. Collaborative project will accept the fact that elimination of early school-leaving is not just a matter of schools, but also other institutions and authorities in the fields of employment, social partners, parents, NGOs and in particular the young people themselves. This fac has become an issue of schedule and filling international meetings. Their goal will be to use the knowledge, ideas, experience and good practices of schools and the institutions collaborating with them on an international level in order to transfer them to the level of national / regional /, and local. The aim is to solve the problem of the current secondary vocational education, particularly in technical fields, which is premature abandonment of schooling, low students' interest in learning the field of education in secondary schools, poor choice of students already in the transition to a higher level of education and many other problems.
The created a network of schools at international level promotes understanding of the problem of early school as a complex phenomenon influenced by a wide range of educational, individual and socio-economic factors. The project meets the goals set to resolve the issue by the EU Commission. The European Commission supports cooperation on a horizontal level and the exchange of experience and best practices between Member States (not only among policymakers but also especially practitioners - teachers) regarding measures to tackle ESL and to reintegrate young people into meaningful activities within education and training, the promotion of technical education, to harmonize the requirements of the labor market and educational fields. Tackling early school leaving and all related issues within the project represents an effort to improve the quality of education for all through the transmission of ideas, experiences and good practices in the form of targeted approaches to support the most vulnerable individuals. Such strategies must be implemented in general and vocationally oriented education, which must be adapted to local, regional and national conditions.
The project aims at creating a common space for international help schools to search and share other new and effective ways, methods and tools used to tackle early school leaving in secondary education and the issue of reduced interest in learning technical fields particularly handicrafts. Within the sub-objectives at international meetings we wll share ideas, experiences, best practices and ideas how to eliminate the premature abandonment of schooling, incentives to encourage election education in technical professions and craft, the development and deepening of partnership between family and school, to develop and sustain partnerships within the newly created network of schools of secondary education, the development and deepening of partnership between schools of secondary education with elementary schools and the development and deepening of partnership between schools of secondary education with relevant institutions and companies to successfully align the structure of educational courses and labor market requirements.
The target group are employees of an international network of schools - teachers, school management, educational and career councelor- a group of workers who need support and motivation in crisis situations, when pupils leave school early. Form of support within the school networking is also necessary in the context of the process of recruiting pupils from primary schools, the emphasis is on selecting the appropriate field of training and support for the selection of craft and technical fields. Effective is also better involvement of parents in the education process. CS will be methodically supported by tools for the involvement of parents of students at risk and to increase their awareness of the importance of education. Project cooperation will be based common principles: In addressing the needs of young people, identification of their problems and their solutions are requirements on institutional and systemic level, but always a young person must be in foreground
02/08 DICEMBRE 2018
23Mar 2018
I Docenti del nostro Istituto insieme ai partners provenienti da Repubblica Ceca, Romania e Slovacchia si stanno formando a livello europeo su “EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING IN OUR COUNTRY AND IN EUROPE
Oggi la nostra Dirigente Marinella Adamo ha relazionato al
presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell’Uomo e finalizzato anche alla presentazione del QRDS - Questionario sul Rischio Dispersione Scolastica (Severino et al.) All’evento hanno partecipato i
coordinatori dei paesi partners Kratochvílová Šárka (Repubblica Ceca) Mera Olimpia ( Romania) Kňazík Pavol (Slovacchia),i rappresentanti degli Osservatori sulla dispersione scolastica delle
Quattro Aree del Libero Consorzio di Enna, degli Istituti di Istruzione Superiore, delle Rappresentanze dei Genitori, per approfondire, nell’ottica del lavoro di rete, la tematica della
dispersione scolastica che, seppur in significativa diminuzione in alcune zone del Paese, rimane tutt’oggi una emergenza nel Sud.
Ha introdotto : Prof.ssa Marinella Muscarà – Prof Sergio Severino
Interventi : Prof. Maddalena Colombo (Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore- Milano) Prof.ssa Marinella Adamo ( Dirigente I I S “da Vinci “Piazza Armerina )
L incontro internazionale ,per la parte in lingua inglese , é stato condotto dalla Dirigente del “da Vinci “ di Piazza Armerina , Marinella Adamo,che ha relazionato sul prototipo realizzato
con il Progetto Pon F3