The odd  one…IN






here are five partners, three primary and two secondary school from different countries. The project is focused on diversity and emotional awareness. Nowadays, immigration crisis dominates Europe and makes diversity an emerging issue. However, there has always been a case of someone that does not fit in for many reasons. Coming from another country, believing in another religion, having different cultural backgrounds, facing personal or family issues, suffering from a disability or disease, not matching gender or social stereotypes are all under the same umbrella. Different comes up in various forms, we do not intend to make the "odd" familiar, but mainly to help children and young people develop methods to do it by themselves.

We need to help pupils, future citizens of the world to develop the skills to understand the different, make it a part of community, acknowledge strengths and weaknesses in everyday reality. 

We create and run original activities that help children:

1. Identify what different means. Tales, stories, songs, pictures, movies, comics but also personal experiences narrated may be a good introduction to make different more familiar.

2. Promote positive attitude towards analyzing a strange situation without prejudice. Pupils may learn to check information, judge different opinions, express their own.

3. Improve tolerance and emotional awareness

4. Involvement in finding the solution

5. Express the feelings through the whole process. Drama, songs, comics through national resources

Foreign languages are the basic contributor to all the realization of the project. The work language is English. We aim at helping pupils embrace new technological changes regarding Technology as an achievement of humanity and not a "magic wand"

that has a will on its own. Social exclusion and diversity can be reconciliated with the contribution of technology.



ITALY  5 Marzo - 7 Marzo 2018

There are five partners, three primary and two secondary school from different countries. The project is focused on diversity and emotional awareness. Nowadays, immigration crisis dominates Europe and makes diversity an emerging issue. However, there has always been a case of someone that does not fit in for many reasons. Coming from another country, believing in another religion, having different cultural backgrounds, facing personal or family issues, suffering from a disability or disease, not matching gender or social stereotypes are all under the same umbrella. Different comes up in various forms, we do not intend to make the "odd" familiar, but mainly to help children and young people develop methods to do it by themselves.

We need to help pupils, future citizens of the world to develop the skills to understand the different, make it a part of community, acknowledge strengths and weaknesses in everyday reality. 

We create and run original activities that help children:

1. Identify what different means. Tales, stories, songs, pictures, movies, comics but also personal experiences narrated may be a good introduction to make different more familiar.

2. Promote positive attitude towards analyzing a strange situation without prejudice. Pupils may learn to check information, judge different opinions, express their own.

3. Improve tolerance and emotional awareness

4. Involvement in finding the solution

5. Express the feelings through the whole process. Drama, songs, comics through national resources

Foreign languages are the basic contributor to all the realization of the project. The work language is English. We aim at helping pupils embrace new technological changes regarding Technology as an achievement of humanity and not a "magic wand"

that has a will on its own. Social exclusion and diversity can be reconciliated with the contribution of technology.



Dal 04/03/2018 al 07/03/2018
Primo giorno di attivitá
I nostri partners provenienti da POLONIA , ROMANIA, PORTOGALLO , SPAGNA e GRECIA sono ospiti nel nostro istituto .
La Prof.ssa Manuella Concetta sta relazionando sul lavoro svolto dai ragazzi LUCA CIINNIRELLA, Alberti MOIRA FRANCESCO SCRIBANO e LUCA
Gli alunni hanno presentato il lavoro svolto su ROSSO MALPELO DI G.Verga mettendo in evidenza come la solitudine, la non accettazione, la violenza, la durezza del lavoro e l' emarginazione rendono un povero ragazzo un ESCLUSO.